We have had the best Autumn term 2 at Newcroft. Find out what we have been up to...
We are proud to share our whole school Anti-Bullying Pledge, 2024-25! ...
We have had a very busy and successful Anti-Bullying week here at Newcroft! We l...
We have had a very busy and successful Anti-Bullying week here at Newcroft! We launched the week with Odd Socks Day where we celebrated our uniqueness and things that show our character and personality.
We then had a whole school assembly where we looked in more detail about this year’s theme of ‘Choose Respect’. We looked at the definition of respect and thought about ways we could be respectful to others both at home and at school.
All classes took part in Anti-Bullying lessons over the week. In KS2 they used the power of role play to act out a range of scenarios of how to be respectful. They included how to be respectful even when we disagree about something. The role plays led to class discussions on how people might feel if we are disrespectful and how to develop our personal skills when navigating different situations. In KS1 and EYFS pupils developed their understanding of what respect means and gave examples of how they can show respect. Each class made a class web of respect, where they worked as a team, with wool to make a respect web. Each class included every pupil in the web and everyone said something respectful to their classmates.
During the week each class took a group photo to form part of our new anti-bullying pledge display for the hall. Look out for the new display coming soon!
To consolidate the work of the week, we were excited by the arrival of our new ‘Buddy Stop’ signs, one for each playground. These have been funded by Friends of Newcroft. They look amazing and we explained to the children how if they need to find a friend, they can stand at the buddy stop. Then staff or other children will see them and will be able to help them to find someone to play with.
Well done everyone at Newcroft for making this year’s Anti-Bullying Week one to remember!
Diane Lane, Business Director
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